The One-Sided Artist

Pieces of masterpiece …

Praveen Prabhakar
Rhythm & Rhyme


Image by Ruth Archer from Pixabay

The one fallen in love had all the colors.

He painted with strokes of her smile,
With her bewitching eyes indulged in deep conversations.
He found magic in every momentary occasion,
The feeling was new—it was genuine—
The ultimate design of his purest emotion.

But, not once did he see his masterpiece.

Not longer,
The mind craved her omnipresence,
While he painted every second of her essence.
It felt like a forever canvas,
Where the color of love infused freshness in his art.

It was for her,
It got stronger,
Yet, nothing reached her,
And one day he expressed his heart…

Not longer,
His masterpiece was unveiled,
All on a broken glass.
In pieces with scars,
Tiny shards were all over,
The paint was never there,
It was all pain.

He wished he could heal what he didn’t break,
But, the longer he stayed,
The tiny pieces pierced her feet.



Praveen Prabhakar
Rhythm & Rhyme

got to "Live" before I leave, got to “Write” before the twilight, got to "Trek" before the journey of a lifeless speck!